
Deafconnect empowers the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing communities to come together to create a world of inclusion, understanding, and support. They envision a world where deafness is celebrated as a unique aspect of diversity and culture, and where accessibility and inclusion are the norms. Deafconnect is based at The Spencer Dallington Community Centre in Northampton.


Comic Book Writer & Artist

Jess Bolam | Artist for Deafconnect

Heritage Communicator

Tamsyn Payne | Heritage Communicator for Deafconnect

Participants: Marise Lafuente, Peter Hayward, Ronald Chapman

Oral History Interview: Tracie Holland

Oral History Filmmaker: RYG Films

Oral History BSL Translator: Naomi Barry

With special thanks to Chris Naylor for providing BSL consultation for the comic book, and Jenni Dawkins and her team for providing access to the Deafconnect archives.

Oral History – Tracie Holland

Tracie has hearing loss, as does her mum, brother and two of her children. In this oral history interview, Tracie discusses living life in the hearing world and how her disability has impacted her. Since 2018 she has received support from Deafconnect. She now works for the charity as an administrator, as well as a volunteer for their support group.

Tracie talks passionately about the discrimination that deaf people face, living with an invisible disability, and what needs to change to make the hearing world more accessible for people with hearing loss.

Click here for BSL Interpreted Interview

Arts, heritage and community activities championing the people and stories of Northampton.

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